Wesołe Zwiastowanie


Kiedy widzę ten obraz, to:
a) słyszę uderzenie kolana anioła o posadzkę i jego wesołe: „hej!”
b) Maryja zaraz powie: „to nie ja!”
c) Bóg Ojciec: „tak, to właśnie Ta!”

Ten wpis został opublikowany w kategorii obrazki i oznaczony tagami , . Dodaj zakładkę do bezpośredniego odnośnika.

7 odpowiedzi na Wesołe Zwiastowanie

  1. tomasz pisze:

    A można dodać odpowiedź d)?
    Słysze milczenie, które rozumiem jako zgodę .
    d) Przerażony kot drze się : „Miaaaauuuu! Jaki wielki ptaaaaak !” 😆

  2. goliat pisze:

    Pani podpis pod obrazem mnie rozbawił 😀 a najbardziej podpunkt „b” xD // Pozdrawiam 🙂

    • Ewa Siuzdak pisze:

      Bardzo mi miło. 🙂 Również pozdrawiam!

      • Cheyanne pisze:

        Good designer knows how to create beautiful, inspiring, not standard works WHILE making them possible to implement throughout all browsers. What good is your design if you can’t make it work in 60% of all browsers (IE).What if it requires downloading multiple PNG24 images that make the whole thing weight 1MB+ and load as sluggishly as in the old days of dial-up moBsne?deimg a good designer means you have to know your medium, be it print, architecture or web. HTML and CSS is an essential part of every web page.

      • Oh, I think we can assume there is no historical accuracy at all in the costuming, beyond perhaps what the artist’s grandfather wore. But that doesn’t take away the charm of their outfits. For that matter, maybe I am assuming too much fashion operating in the Hungarian context, as some of the hats look just like hats I saw at the Budapest Christmas market in 2006. I was sorely tempted to get one. Hungarian folk costume has considerable flair. (Next time I find myself in Budapest, I intend to restock my wardrobe with felt coat, leather hat, etc.)

      • I am totally loving this outfit too. I hope to be as stunning and stylish as you at 40. I believe that it is confidence and preference that should determine whether a person wears shorts. And those legs were made for lovely shorts!

      • I’ve been making/baking cookie decorations for the tree and I can tell you none of them looks as lovely as these do. GG they are spectacular! You’ve really been a source of inspiration this holiday season with all of your great posts!

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